Cédrick Eymenier invited me to participate in the 5th edition of Esope reste ici et se repose.
= To realize a sound piece of a maximum 3 min from an Aesop fable.
I chose to work from the fable "Jupiter and The Frogs"
Many wonderful sound artists took part in the exhibition.
Each piece is also interpreted in a drawing by Laetitia Benat.
Bon Accueil, 74 Canal Saint Martin 35 700 Rennes
Entree Libre
Du mardi au samedi de 14h a 19h
Le dimanche de 15h a 19h
Here are my contributions to previous editions of Esope reste ici et se repose :
Et Op_Esope reste ici et se repose # 02 by I Am A Vowel
Il Pleut_Esope reste ici et se repose # 01 by I Am A Vowel